Friday, December 16, 2011

Love Has No Requirements. That's What Makes It Love

It will often circle back on me - the realization that I'm only here to love. That to love is the reason for my entire being. To have learned how to love, to have learned how to accept love, to recognize love in all it's TRUE expressions. To recognize what is NOT love, and what tries to masquerade as such.

And within the realization, I wonder, is it really so simple? THIS was what I am here to do, leaving all the rest as gravy? (mmm.Gravy.) To learn to honestly give love, to be love unrestrained and without boundaries, restrictions, guilt, or power trips?

And not only romantic love - but ALL the loves. The Forgiving Love, and the Parenting Love, and the Appreciative Love, and the Thankful Love, and the Soul Love, The Love that needs No Words. The Unconditional Love. Yes, that's the world I'm looking for. The Unconditional one.

When I get stressed, I fall back on it. The love inside me, that grows the more I share it.

This is surely a half-assed essay. I may or may not form this as a thought that can be articulated prettily. But it feels pretty nice.

And for some reason, was important to share. So, there.


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