Sunday, August 21, 2011


I've been thinking a lot about Reiki lately. And dreaming about it. It's been thumping at me
for a couple of weeks to pay attention.

There was only one book in our public library, and it was more a "Your questions answered about Reiki" rather than anything instructional. I wondered why that was. I learn best by reading, and I wanted something I could look at at my own pace, when I had time.

I stumbled onto a Great Deal that I wanted to share. If anyone else grabs it, we can study along together. So far, I'm very pleased with it. This is one of those things that TRULY anyone can do, with the right training.

Something about it resonated in me, and I felt it was the right time.


p.s. I'm pretty sure that anyone who's studied Reiki the traditional way is going to have something to say about this. I plan on getting live attunements to go along with this course!! But again, at my own pace, or doing them myself.

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