Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Abundant Vibrations

I was touched by so many people and so much energy today - I'm almost whelmed with the abundance that I'm blessed with.

A girlfriend came over for tea today. She has the best energy, and I love love love spending time with her. We've known each other for ALMOST 20 years, and although our visits are few and far between these days (We both have families, jobs, and are busy!) It's ALWAYS like home to sit with her. If I had to chose a sister, I would pick her.

I walked and walked and walked in the sun. I put an vibrational down-payment on a house with 5 bedrooms. I'm really excited for it to arrive.

I ran into a friend on the sidewalk - he's SO tall, that when we talk I have to hang onto my big floppy hat so it won't fall off, for my having to look up into his face. He's got a wondeful smile and lively eyes and every time he stops to talk to me, I feel like it is a special privelege to do so. He must be a fire sign. He's always got SO many ideas!!

I did a tarot reading for someone new today, and she also had wonderful energy. We connected very quickly, and the confirmations in the reading were good. I was happy to meet her!

A friend sent me messages that made me turn my face up to the sun and smile.

A woman I had never seen before, commented on my hat. We were in a shop, and when I turned to say thank you, she stunned me with her beauty. Not just her physical beauty (and she was, a woman near 40, but maybe more.) but her energy just BURST out towards me. She shared a joke with me, reaching out to gently touch my shoulder while speaking, and we laughed. She remarked how we had just gotten rid of stress by laughing. I thanked her from my heart.

Saw a friend who commented on my big "Jackie O" hat - shared a laugh that raised me up higher.

My beloved picked me up downtown, and it was really nice to see him at at that unusual time of day. A wonderful treat!

Saw my mother this afternoon - showed her around my garden, and she walked with me to pick up the pixies.

Through the day, I did 3 more email tarot readings, (with one that I still have to get to - been waiting for the house to get quiet.)

Today seemed very very busy. Today felt very very good.

The more you share, the more you recieve. I'm so abundant, my vibration bank account is over flowing.

Life is Good, folks. Appreciate every little thing.

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