Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My Cards of the Day

Even though I'm pretty horrible with consistently pulling cards every day.

It's been a bit of a wild ride in my magical environment the last few weeks. Today felt like a good day to pull some cards. I have 3 decks that are my favourite.

 My Morrigan Greer, which get used exclusively for Love readings.
My Druid Craft Tarot, which is my go-to deck. I use them for big questions, spirit questions, general life questions. All the questions!
And, my Rider Waite deck. I use these primarily for business questions.

So, here are my cards for today, from each one... My question usually is "What should I pay attention to today?"

So, The Morrigan Greer deck gave me The Knight of Pentacles. And I LAUGH AND LAUGH AND LAUGH. Because it's my Love deck. and my Manly Man always comes up as The Knight of Pentacles.

On the other side is the Rider Waite deck with the Wheel of Fortune for my business. The Wheel of Fortune? Perhaps something really really good is in the works for my business? Today is one of the few days I DON'T have any sort of work scheduled!

And, the middle deck is the Druid Craft. So for just ME, my spiritm, I drew the Fferyllt.
Right off the top, .. well. YEAH. It's been heavy magic making for the last 2 weeks around here. Looking closer... I'm definately looking for harmony. It's been a LOT of Fire and Water around here. Also, looking for balance within all this ... there's an alchemy going on within me, and it's been bubbling. The Fferyllt is to remind me to remember I KNOW how to balance between Spirit and Earth, and to remind me that I work towards goals with CREATIVITY.

These cards will sit on my little altar in the livingroom, next to the crystal ball. I will meditate on them.

Now, to put on a bra, get out into the world, and Be the Magic!!!


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