Monday, March 24, 2014

5 of Swords.... Card of the Day

There are big things happening in my dream world. Which is extremely real for me, and a place I LIVE.

These sentences might call into question parts of my personality. Those parts of my personality don't usually care so much about being questions. Let's carry on....

So, this is what I posted on my Facebook this morning. (Which might also call into question my level of sanity. Is sanity subjective?)

I have been having someone show up rather persistently in my sleep. And this might be the only place to actually COMMUNICATE with this person about THIS. 

This person is in my face, then hides. Holds my hands so I must look into their face for ages, hovering above them, but says NOTHING. Then they send me dream messages and letters that they want to connect, but then have the words screened. They continue to REACH OUT and then RUN AWAY. This is has been going on for ... at least the last 4 nights consistently. On and off for ages. 

Their strength to be able to DO this is impressive to me - Points for THAT. It took me a long time to be able to do what they are doing. I knew they had the potential for big things, never figured they'd DO anything with it. I know that to be able to DO what they are doing, there is BIG emotion behind it. 

So here's the deal. You have TODAY to explore this thing. TODAY to say OUT loud in real life, what it is you want to say to me. I know time is 'Timey Wimey', but THIS is the day that this gets settled.

Then, I had a tea, and am attempting to wake. Then, I pulled my card of the day:


A card of difficulties. A card of lack of communication, blame and jealousy. A card where someone feels hurt and someone isn't dealing with that hurt from a heartspace. This card also however, talks about things on the horizon that are good and just and beautiful.

I'm tired. I've been living in dream space for a few days, and this has become louder and louder.

And I wonder, if communication happens, will I be able to respond from a heart space AND be rational? I THINK that I can, it would be wonderful to help put some things to rights and rest. It's what I do daily, in reading for others.

I am thankful for the ability to dream lucidly and vividly.

Also, I need more tea. I have email readings in my "to do" list in my datebook today, so if you are waiting on your email reading, watch your inbox today. 

Ooohhmm. It's all Good.


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