Thursday, October 8, 2015

Lookit Mah Office! Psychic Tarot Readings Downtown Midland Ontario

So, there are still things to go up on the walls (Like the heavy clay sun, and the sun mirror in the picture below) but, it sure is nice to have the office space for readings!

Saturday and Sunday readings are THE BEST. My new office space is super relaxed for me, I can be as loud as the voices need me to be. The readings have been fast and furious!

The office space is small, but it's big enough! If the reiki table is out, the chairs and tarot desk have to get tucked into a corner. I'm excited to get some paintings up on the walls, and get the books in that I have for sale.

This is where the magic happens, folks.
522 Elizabeth Street, Midland. Woots!


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