Sunday, July 14, 2013

The 10 of Swords. Then the 10 of Cups. Then Rebirth.

I was gifted with some Copal. This resin is new to me, and I feel curious and eager to experience it! I shuffled some cards this morning for myself.. it's been about 10 days since I've drawn for myself (although I've been busy drawing for others - absolutely on FIRE.)  So I'm not even sure that I had a specific question. It was more "Show me how it goes." And Rebirth.

I know I've shown Rebirth here before. But it's different today. The other cards that came with this showed me right now we are in the middle of a "Ten of Swords." A complete ending. It's rational, and the pain of it can be embraced or fought. It's not to be feared. His armour is off, and I find it interesting that the placement of the swords are in his back.

"I lovingly release others to their own lessons. I lovingly care for myself. I move with ease through life."

This is the entire spread. Not what I thought I would get, and one or two surprises, but exactly what needed to be said. 

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