Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Pulling cards.

What's important to know in the coming days? The next week...

The first thing that hit me was "Cern will come again."
then, the Princess of Swords who said to me "Learn to use your new skills. You will hone them to perfection, as one would when working with swords. A little awkward at first, this new dance... you will grow strong and confident."

Then I had to come back and have a look at the rest. The Queen of Swords is representing me - a woman who is rational and fair, strong and decisive. Takes no bull. What my roadblock is to being this wholly is The Hanged Man - Waiting for someone else to make a move, trying to get a different perspective, waiting for timing to be right. This tells me the timing is absolutely right, right now. There will be no waiting. I must shed this notion of wondering.

In what I am right now, the King of Wands. All fire, all intuition, with a good hold on all that means.
In my environment, 2 cards slipped out together, and so I left them that way. First, is THE HIGH PRIEST. Well.. yes. Clearly. Coupled with the 5 of coins - A financial change associated with a lover. Also, sadness and loss associated with a lover. (sigh)

The next, 7 of Pentacles, is 'what is in the thoughts." - That we shall surely reap what we are sowing.

The last card made me happy. THE HIGH PRIESTESS as the outcome of all of it. A strength, secrets revealed and truths understood. 

What is important to know? Let there be no doubt that everything is falling into place as it should. Let there be no question. There is great strength already, even in the learning of separate and connected things. Make peace with your own armor and new tools. Horns and Hooves are present and watchful. Strength and self discovery.

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