Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sacred Prostitute - Heal Your Life

Summer has arrived. It never feels as if it's in full swing until the kids are home from school.

I've got a pile of books on the go. But felt compelled to talk briefly about these.

Ok. I'm only a chapter into this one, and it has promise. However, the language they use is.. excessive? Many many big words strung together to imitate a sentence. I'm pretty sharp, but the first chapter has been difficult to get through, reading and rereading, just to make sure I've understood. I hope that it smooths out soon.

And, imagine my surprise to find THIS in my book collection. And it's been there for YEARS. After my whole "I really should read 'You Can Heal Your Life' by Louise Hay. This little book is filled with the key phrases and positive affirmations, in a list form according to what ails you.

I want to read all the books this summer. I tidied up the book shelves, and I can (mostly) see what I have. I love all my books.

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