Monday, February 10, 2014

Me? Shy? Yeah, I said it.

You know how when you allow life to just flow, it floats you to your destination pretty effortlessly?
Yes, well, that thing is happening in my life right now.

I've been busier with Reflexology clients, and as always I have a steady stream of folks who come to see me for Readings. And on the other side of that, my OTHER job at the thrift store and I have not been able to line ourselves up very well. I'm busy with appointments when she seems to need me. She's hiring some more part time help, as I just haven't been able to cover what she needs.

So today I realized, since my datebook seems to be a tool for organization that keeps my attention, I'm going to have to start scheduling myself in for phone reading availability.

I know, I know, we've heard this one before. I've discovered my issue is I get an intense SHYNESS when it comes to getting on the phone. What is up with that? Once I'm ON the phone, I'm A-OK. It's just the lead-up to log-on.

This evening I'll be looking at the datebook, seeing what is already booked for Reflexology and live readings in there, and SCHEDULING myself for phone reading availability.

Of all people, I KNOW it's only painful until it becomes habit. After that, easy peasy.

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