Friday, February 15, 2013

Famous Psychics Wages Unreasonable???

First, let me say that I do appreciate the publicity that famous psychics have given our abilities. Psychics like John Edward, Sylvia Browne, and Chip Coffey have opened the doors and made this thing we do MAINSTREAM. And in making psychics, with whatever their ability is, a mainstream thing, it's opened a lot of minds that would normally be very very closed.

These gifted and charismatic people have been my mentors. 

This skill that we have has given guidance to people who are lost, helped them connect with spirit within and without. Helped them find peace and closure with loved ones past, with issues they've carried around from this life and last.

 Edgar Cayce was my first introduction to other people who had something similar to what I had been keeping secret inside myself for so long. He truly worked for the people.

I guess the thing that is dancing on my conscience today is the price that they feel they need to charge. I don't want to knock them, they have lifestyles and staff to support, right? I think what bothers me is that so many people think that they either have to spend a weeks wages to get a half hour reading that they will have to wait THREE months to receive, and don't see that there is an alternative.. OR they just get to feel bad about not being able to afford it.

So, this brings me to... well, psychics like ME. There are so many of us.

I can 'do' what the famous psychics can do, in one way or another. My skills and methods might be a bit different, because we're all different! I connect with my guides. I can connect with yours. I can tell you about your past, and your future through them. I can connect with spirits who have passed over. I can do house blessings. I see 'things'. I hear them too. Sometimes I taste the message on my tongue. I am a lucid dreamer. I can send myself to 'astral' places to connect with akashic records. And some stuff in between.

The difference is, I live a very frugal lifestyle, and don't NEED people in need of guidance to give me absorbent amounts of money. I don't do this for fame - I'm just trying to do my heart and souls work.  I do what I do to SERVE others, and it doesn't serve anyone, making minimum wage and making payments and with other financial responsibilities and obligations, to hand over up to a week of their full time wages to have a half hour or an hour of my time.

It just doesn't make sense to me, is all.

I really feel like this guidance, this thing we do, needs to be accessible!

Yes, it's time consuming. Yes, it takes energy.

Have you ever had to work at a fast food restaurant, running your ass off for an hour? THAT is time consuming too. That takes a HELL of a lot more energy in an hour, takes FAR more toll on the body and mind than what I do. I know this - I have worked those jobs, dressed in hosiery and polyester, sweating my ass off with a smile on my face, to come home with aching feet smelling of grease and coffee.

Okay. I'm ranting. I know it.

I just really feel like I needed to speak out. It just really HURTS me to see other fans on famous psychics pages sitting in a sense of LOSS at not being able to afford a reading, when they could get their guidance from another psychic who gets their info FROM THE SAME SOURCE!

Share this post with anyone you know who might be in a place where they need a reading for some guidance, and think there's no where else to turn.

Blessings to all of you,
From my heart.


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