Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day 2015


My schedule has changed AGAIN! (Ah, the life of a gypsy.) and I'm suddenly incredibly busy. I work at a thrift store and my hours have been bumped up to 5 shifts a week (I was doing 2). I'm also still one day a week at my office downtown. And ofcourse, I have home parties and individual reads for tarot.

So, email and phone readings are going to rotate around Saturdays and Sundays, when I'm not scheduled elsewhere. It's taking me a little longer to get to them, because I have to be fresh, focused and ready when I sit down with them. Please allow at least a week for email and phone readings.

I had a look at my schedule for spring and summer parties, and those are filling up quite quickly also. My most current availability can be found on the appointy booking calendar.

Happy Earth Day, everyone! Bring your own shopping bags where ever you end up today!

My lunch is tea in a thermos, a sandwich in tupperware, an apple and some cheese and crackers. (this is a new habit I'm getting into anyway. Cutting out my daily stop at Tim Hortons!)


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April 2015 Free Tarot Horoscope

Aries – Four of Cups – Another birthday leaves you searching and ready for emotional healing. You are so used to your excitable pace!  Don’t feel guilty if you find you need a bit of time to just sit, observe and recharge. You’ll find your answer in a moment of contemplative peace, and then you’ll feel your firery self in no time. 

Taurus – Queen of Cups – You are the Boss of your emotions this month. It’s important that you consider your emotions as part of the balance in how you make decisions and carry yourself in the world. Being “all rational and no emotions.” Won’t serve you. Being a little more quiet, a little more introspective this month will help give you clarity in how to proceed. Above all, trust yourself. 

Gemini – Ace of Wands – WOO HOO to new beginnings to you! Your intuition is on FIRE this month! April is an amazing time for you to start something new.  Don’t  doubt yourself  when you are inspired to run enthusiastically into what has you so excited. This energy in your life is a gift, enjoy every moment!

Cancer – Six of Cups – April might find you reviewing where you’ve been all winter. This might lead you to staying close to home, or just quiet in your head. When you’re done looking back and you can come to the place where you feel thankful for all that’s been (yes, it’s possible, Cancer! ) Then it’s time to go out and face the sun. Winter is OVER, after all!

Leo – The Chariot – You’re starting to feel more like yourself this month. I mean, come on, we know that normally you have mastery over all the things that are tossed your way. However, the winter felt longer than usual for you this year. It left you feeling a little off balance (not that you probably admitted it to anyone.) This month finds you with both hands on the reigns, and confidently heading into the rest of the year.

Virgo – Prince of Pentacles – Oh Virgo, look out. You may not understand exactly the hows or whys, but you are being lined up with a quiet mystery that will ignite a passion in you that is exciting, new, and frightening. All your boundaries will be challenged. Trust me, Virgo. This is going to be GOOD. My vote is “take the risk.”

Libra - King of Cups – Take a deep breath. You’ll be called upon to be a mediator or councillor in some manner this month. It’s important that you give advice with compassion and from your heart, without forcing your will or bias in the mix. Even if it seems like your words might have little impact, stop and think clearly and sincerely.

Scorpio – The Lovers – (Like you didn’t already know. Oh, Scorpio.) exstacy, union, liberation. Sweetheart, just promise me you’ll be a little careful in your wild abandon this month.  And remember, Love requires surrender, and surrender requires choice. Love on.

Sagittarius – The Hanged Man – Everything around you seems perfectly ready. However, April will have you hanging around and waiting before you can make your move. Work on a different perspective for the situation that is causing you to feel stuck. Seeing things in a different way will help you to get rolling, and in the RIGHT direction.

Capricorn – Two of Wands – You’re looking quietly for deeper meaning this month. There is some tension around the searching. The path to it will magically open and releases the tension when you allow two separate things/feelings/ideas to creatively comingle. You have to allow the interplay between the two, or the answer or path will be hidden longer. 

Aquarius – Cernunnos – Open your eyes Aquarius. Its time to look clearly at how you got where you are, and how it is that you are responsible for it. Being able to own your part in what happens in April (or what comes to a head in April) will free you from inhibitions and restrictions. Any karma you FEEL you have, you’ve created with your own choices. You don’t have to be chained by them. The Universe is forgiving when you are open and honest.

Pisces – The Magician – Guess What?! It’s time for action! You have all the tools, you’ve had all the training or practice. April is the time to put all those skills into action. Use your inspiration and excitement to fuel you past the awkward stage of putting your knowledge into practice like a real pro!

 LOOKING for a personalized tarot reading? Come to my page for an email reading, or for a phone reading, see:…/10-minutes-for-199…
***If you would like to post this Tarot Horoscope on your blog page, you must link to source: Courtesy of