Thursday, February 19, 2015

Putting the Funk in Function.

So. In the blink of an eye, I find myself with an Adminstrative Assistant. 

It actually has been a long time coming. But I wasn't actively looking for one. The Universe SENT him however, and so I said YES! His main function, other than helping me mind the Lori Grace Reads Tarot page, is to kick my butt.

It's been a long hard winter.

There are email readings waiting. Let me tell you what is going on. Let's get real for a minute.
Painfully, truly real.

Normally, I like to keep it on the light side. I'm supposed to be here for YOU. You don't need to hear about my stuff. But, I think that I need to just get this out, so you'll GET it.

So. Let me chew my cuticles till I figure out where to start....

Mmmkay. so, Winter is hard. I'm nearly completely self employed. This means money doesn't just COME. I need to work for it. Every day. Every winter I worry about money. And when the worry gets too much, I CAN'T read. Because I don't want to be thinking about what I'm earning when I read for you. I want to be all the way connected to you and Source (or the Universe, or my Guides - what ever name you give it. )

So, then I get into a cycle of "I"m stressed out about not earning what I need, and therefore I cannot work."

And then I have to dig myself out of the FUNK, so I can function again.

So, Daniel and I have been friends for some years. He has experience with being an Admin for other facebook pages and groups. He's also a student and seeker of TRUTHS. For every reading or question I've ever answered for him, he's brought something good to my attention. (He introduced me to Channelling Erik!)

So, as well as doing administraty stuff, he'll be an important Cheerleader.

Sorry I've been absent. I'm digging out.


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