Friday, August 15, 2014

Challenges. I Know Better.

I am going to have to get some new tarot cards. Soon.
Functional ones. Not just ones to collect. :)

I currently use my Druid Craft Tarot for every reading. I might switch to my Rider Waite deck or my Morgan Greer deck on occasion. But the Druit Craft is the one I use most. And they are WORN.

The edges are soft, some of the cards have little bends (or in the case of the 5 of Swords, a BIG bend). Because the deck is so big, I shuffle them as if they were standing up, and it's worn the bottom bits of all the cards from where my hands touch them. (As a rule, I don't read my cards inverted, or upside down. Occasionally they will sneak into a reading that way, and that is always a cause for me to pay extra attention in my reads. However, I'll put it back in the deck right side up after the reading.)

Now, I've read posts on clipping the edges off (the borders) and using a groovy scrap booking paper corner clipper to make them have nice rounded edges. But I have yet to do that.

I guess part of my challenge is that I know I work well with the Druid Craft tarot, and that's the deck I will buy again. But, I will most likely buy another deck too. A new deck might be nice to work with.

The catch is that I'm just trying to stay afloat with bills. I'm behind nearly every month. There's no extra to buy a new deck. But if I don't have a new deck soon, I won't be able to do readings, that are paying the bills.

I KNOW. I know better than this. I know how to make the magic. I think it's just been on my mind lately, and I'm formulating how to get the Law of Attraction methods working for me, and in the mean time chewing through all the challenges.

SO. Dear Universe. I LOVE working with my Druid Craft Tarot deck. It is my tool to give great readings to people who come for guidance and answers. This deck helps me SERVE. The deck I have is pretty worn and well loved. I will use it until you deliver a new deck into my hands to replace it, so that I may continue to serve. 

The day begins! Must fly!


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