Thursday, June 19, 2014

Rock Star

Today, I avoided disaster.

I was at home, taking pictures for an online store that I'm starting. I was having a tea, and in my fuzzy jammy pants, and enjoying the sunshine. I had a Reflexology appointment at 11, so I felt I could take my time and ease into the day.

Until the phone rang.

It was the Office. Asking me if I forgot that I had 2 tarot readings this morning. I was to begin at 9am.

It was 9:10am.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh snap.

Got dressed, slapped some natural deoderant on, threw my cards into my bag, and drove to the office at a REASONABLE pace... all the while talking myself out of a freak out inside.

I parked the car, shades neatly in place, hair a big ole' mess, and thought.. "Did I wash last nights make up off?" Deeeep breath.

Luckily my clients were extremely forgiving. I think I read an extra 15 minutes for both of them.

Ofcourse, once I get everything in place in the office, everything runs smoothly. (lights on, cards on the table, shoes off.)

Even when I enter the room like a dishevelled rock star.


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