Sunday, October 18, 2015


This past week, I've been taking it easy. I think my whole being just needed me to STOP.

I didn't feel great on Thursday, and my daughter was home sick from school. So, I rescheduled some clients and took the day off with her, feeding us both soup and anything with garlic in it.

I had no work, or bookings on Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

I spent time just.. being. I put no heavy guilt trips on myself for not cleaning the house, or buckling down on anything. I did do a bit of writing as it pleased me (working on a story or two.) I did a lot of daydreaming. Took many baths. Ate a lot of good foods.

I've spend the weekend listening for what the little voices have to say. Writing down my dreams. Taking every moment to just FEEL how I feel.

I didn't go to the gym all week, either. (I had just hit 13 weeks of consistently going to the gym 3 days a week.) This was an important part of just stopping for a bit. Even though it was a challenge I put on myself, a goal I wanted, I still felt like I needed to REST.

And with this, ofcourse there were revelations.

So much happened, even today.

I got to walk around the big park here, with a friend. She made me tea in a travel mug at her home, and we talked and walked by the lake, around the bends. That felt really nice.

There are going to be some changes. There are ALWAYS changes, as nothing stays the same. I feel a shift that is a natural change this time of year. But I'm feeling the end of the year coming up too (Oct 31st) and I welcome the rest that this time of year brings.

There are things in my life that are high on the list of priorities, that need more actual attention.

One of the things I did was remove the option of phone or email readings. I"m not sure how long that will be for, but for now I just had to put a pause on that. Perhaps when it's quiet in January, I'll bring them back as available.

Life is Good. I am listening.


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