Thursday, October 16, 2014

New Tarot Decks Arrive!

So. I got my NEW Druid Craft Tarot deck. CRAZY how delicious they are to shuffle, compared to the old set. Also, though, another deck.. The Wildwood Tarot. So so so amazingly gorgeous. I want to live there, in those cards, and that's precisely what I do when I'm studing a new deck. I want to dive right in.

They are delightfully primitive, they feel a step deeper than the Druidcraft Tarot. There will be time to get lost in them. But that time isn't quiet yet. I imagine it will be 6 months or so before I'll actually be able to start using them for clients.

Right now, I'm working on manifesting all the Abundance. I've got tarot functions that I'm volunteering for fundraisers, I've got a script I need to get busy memorizing, and the Universe has been giving me so many curious things to taste, I imagine it will be winter before I get to dream along with these lovelies.

Anyway. Thought I would write a quickie to express my absolute joy in having these in hand.


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